
ChIP-seq workflow in KNIME - Installation

In this tutorial you will learn how to install the ChIP-seq workflow in KNIME including all required tools.

This tutorial is subdivided into the following sections:

Installation of KNIME

Go here: KNIME

Installation of external tools

FastaQC - Quality control

Go here: FastaQC

flexbar - Adapter clipping

Go here: flexbar

bowtie - Read mapping

Go here: bowtie

YARA - Read mapping

Go here: YARA

echo "Hallo"

samtools - SAM/BAM file utilities

Go here: samtools

Cross-correlation method - Quality control

Original without NSC, RSC, PDC: SPP

Modified/extended with NSC, RSC, PDC: phantompeakqualtools

bedtools - BED file utilities

Go here: bedtools

UCSC's bedGraphToBigWig - Converter

Go here: UCSC's command-line utilities

MACS2 - Peak calling

Go here: MACS2

Q - Peak calling

Go here: Q